
Online Public Speaking Skills Course I Public Speaking Online Training I How to make a good Presentation I Presentation Skills Textbook I Speaking in Public Training Courses online I Public Speaking Guide I Presentation Preparation Online Training I Public Speaking Preparation App Testimonials:
Presentation skills training, public speaking online classes and sessions, confidence and self esteem consulting, communication counseling online are our fortes, (a
lthough NOSIRI Empowerment Center's complete client list testimonials remains private), those that have worked with Dr. Nosiri and her team have enthusiastically said:

"I am very grateful to NOSIRI. It has opened a new world of love and joy that  never thought possible." - Roxanna

"NOSIRI is a great public speech consultation company. They were able to help me and bring out the passion in my speeches, which was well needed in my election campaign. Thank you, NOSIRI!" - Kevin J.

"The sessions at NOSIRI have truly changed the way I think about myself, others and the way in which I make decisions. I have been able to implement the session training and it's been so helpful in all life situations." - Cristina

"Therapy gave me the diagnosis and history of my issues but what I found here at NOSIRI is the treatment." - Judy 

"The assessment alone was very empowering and inspiring. It gave me the courage to make some decisions that I was too afraid to make prior to the assessment. - Katrina 

"I highly RECOMMEND Nosiri as a coach for all areas of Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Public Speaking training. It has helped me tremendously in the past several years." - Randy

"Nosiri Empowerment Center has made a big impact on my life. I'm learning things I never knew before. This is a very wonderful experience." - N. J.

"I have tried all sorts of training and coaching services but none of the services were successful. Once I started sessions at Nosiri I gained the skills I needed to overcome my challenges. Today I thrive." - Keith

"Nosiri has provided me with the tools to succeed in the public speaking arena. My sessions are always "wake-up" calls that have helped me tremendously not only boost my confidence, but also understand who I truly am." - Oscar

"After attending sessions at Nosiri Empowerment Center I was able to use the strategies taught in everyday situations and learn how to DEAL with stress, cope with anxiety, and show confidence. It feels great." -  Jake T.

"Thank you very much for everything. You have no idea how much of a difference you've made in my life.  My response patterns are much healthier." - Barb

"Since starting coaching at Nosiri I have already been able to see a change in the way I feel about myself and how confident I am and it feels good." - A. L.

"After just the New Client Interview the days that followed I went through a healing process. By openly talking to a non-judgmental person I was able to relieve some emotions. Thank you Nosiri." - Kenny

"Since my session I definitely feel myself able to approach situations in a more calm and collected manner." - H. M.

"My coaching sessions have been a wake-up call, a reminder." - Kassey

"I learned how to be a persuasive speaker, present informative speeches, conflict resolution speeches, and how to work in groups." - Charter School Student

"I have been able to use everything that I've learned from Nosiri Empowerment Center and I'm a lot happier." - Kelli M.

"I was able to demonstrate confidence in myself and my skills. I got the job! Thank you Nosiri Empowerment Center." - R. Ginger.

"Nosiri identified the issues and gave us great consulting. She understood the needs of our children and developed a detailed strategy for improvement." - P. M.

"Dr. Nosiri was brought in to speak to Empowered Women International. She has a way of bringing out the best in others. Our clients loved her. They had a huge take away from the event." - Laura S.L.

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